
Progress Report as of 11/1/2010

Dear fans, followers and patrons,
Small Timers the web-series is nearing completion as we are deep within post production. We have cuts of episodes 1 - 7, with some episodes being closer to completion than others. Each episode needs, in varying capacities, smoothing of audio, sound designing, fine tuning of the editing, and color correction. We are also adding music where necessary, and the composition of this music has fallen to Pat and myself. Needless to say this is a heavy work load for two people, with most of the work falling on Pat who should be commended for his efforts (he's working very fast, especially considering his sizable collegiate work load) and the quality of his work has been great.
The work load at times is staggering. The running time of the ten episodes, when finished, equates to something just short of a feature length movie (the finished episodes being about an hour and ten minutes in summation). What this means is a work load comparable to that of a feature film, which would of course have teams of people with higher skill working full time. Our post-production team consists of just two.
At my insistence, we will not be releasing any episodes until they are all fully finished. While I realize this may seem like over kill, I would like to think it a practical decision, as things always "come up". Should any problems arise with our schedules, I would like some breathing room in regards to finishing the series.
These challenges and decisions have inevitably led to a delayed release of the web-series. While I realize we have a product that we need to deliver in a timely fashion, I believe it's more important that we deliver a quality product. This post production time is meant to give Small Timers that chance of quality. It would be tragic to hurry the post production and sacrifice the incredible work and effort given to this production by those who worked on it, and made possible by those who donated to it. Good things come to those who wait.
An announcement for the release date is coming soon.
Thank You,
Chris Sasich (Creator)